LIFE GROUP SIGNUPS CONTINUE: Today through February 9, you can sign-up to join a Life Group (home fellowship). This is a great opportunity to dig into God’s Word a little deeper and develop relationships with others in a small group setting. Life Groups begin meeting the week of February 17. Sign-up for a Life Group in the West Commons.
TODAY @ 1:30PM, LIFE GROUP MEET & GREET: We’re excited to host our Life Group Meet & Greet at Calvary Chapel St. George! If you’re considering joining a Life Group but want to meet the leaders first, join us in the multi-Purpose Room. Register at to help us plan the food order.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 7PM, PRAY AROUND THE WORLD: We will hear from Ms. P, who has returned to the U.S. from North Africa, she will be sharing having a heart for missions. Then we will pray for all our workers around the world.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 6PM, DAY OF PRAYER & FASTING: Set aside this day of fasting and praying for our church family, our city, state, and our nation. We want to invite you to end the fast with us in room 101 at 6pm in worship and prayer with Pastor Jerry. Looking forward to seeing you there.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 9AM, FINANCIAL PEACE CLASSES BEGIN: Because we as a church take stewarding money seriously, we have invested in a Ramsey + site license so every family in our church has access to a one-year membership full of tools and resources to help you honor God with your money. Sign-up online under the Events page to attend the course and get support with managing your finances. The cost is $20 and includes the course, book, and tools needed for the 9 weeks.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, LADIES BIBLE STUDY BEGINS: Registration opens today! We will meet Thursdays 9:30am or 6pm. This is a great place to connect with God and grow with other women. In her book, SHINE, Being His Light in Darkness, author and missionary Rebecca J. Nolley will lead us on a journey through scripture to behold Jesus, the One True Light and learn how we can shine for Him in this dark world. Childcare provided for 9:30am only (ages 0-5). Cost is $15. Register online. Please visit the Connection Center for questions or assistance.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 9AM, MENS BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY: Men, young and older, join us for a time of food, fellowship, and digging into God's Word together. Please, sign-up at the Connection Center if you plan on attending so we can be sure to save you a plate.
BEGINNING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 9AM, 13-WEEK, GRIEFSHARE SUPPORT GROUP: A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this 13-week group, you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. Sign-up at the Connection Center to join this support group or online through our events page.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, YOUTH FUNDRAISING BAKE SALE: On Sunday, February 16, we'll have a bake sale after both services in the West Commons. Stop by and support our youth going to Merida, MX on their spring mission trip.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 7PM, VERITAS WORSHIP & BONFIRE: Regular Veritas will be moved to the Farnesi's house for a night of worship and bonfire. Roasted hotdogs and S'mores will be provided. Check What's App for the address or email Pastor Matt:
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 9AM-3:30PM, LEGACY COALITION GRANDPARENTING SUMMIT AT CALVARY CHAPEL HURRICANE VALLEY: Join us to see the impact of awakening Christian grandparents to the biblical responsibilities they have to pass on faith to young people and to equip them with effective tools to do so. We as grandparents, need to be engaged with our grandkids. Let us become their biggest influencers! To learn more about this summit, please visit You can register to join by selecting the state of Utah and then choose Calvary Chapel Hurricane Valley. Cost per person is $39.
FEBRUARY 23, 1:30PM, NEWCOMER LUNCHEON: If you are new to CCSG, within the past six months, we would like to invite you to join the Pastors, staff, and leadership for a free lunch. We would love to introduce ourselves and get to know you. Please sign-up online through our website or church app by going to “Upcoming Events” to register.
FRIDAY, MARCH 21 & SATURDAY, MARCH 22, RESIST THE DRIFT MARRIAGE CONFERENCE: Join us for Resist the Drift on March 21st and 22nd, a two-day experience designed to strengthen your marriage. Over time, couples may unintentionally drift apart, but this event will provide practical tools and insights to help you reconnect and grow closer. The cost is $60 per couple in advance or $70 at the door. Childcare is available for children up to 5th grade. Sign up online and take the next step toward a deeper, more fulfilling relationship.