TODAY @ 1:00PM, CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DISCIPLESHIP: All those serving in the Nursery—5th grade, please join us for our quarterly discipleship meeting. Attendance is an expectation for all volunteers.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 10:30AM, SENIOR SINGLE LADIES: If you are a Senior Single Lady, come join us for lunch & fellowship here at the church.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1-6PM, RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: We will be hosting a Blood Drive in the Multi-Purpose Room. If you would like to donate blood, please sign up online at and enter the Sponsor Code as “CCSG” or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 6PM, RECOVERY MINISTRY: Our recovery ministry meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month to provide prayer and support to those who desire freedom from drug and alcohol dependency, and other self-centered behavior as well as to those who may be dealing with these issues in their family.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 9AM, MEDICARE & SOCIAL SECURITY CLASS: This free class will discuss Medicare options, supplements & Social Security benefits. Please sign up at the Connection Center.
THURS.-MON., OCTOBER 17-21, HIGH SCHOOL MEXICO MISSION TRIP: All youth students, grades 9th-12th are invited to this mission trip to La Gloria, Mexico. We will drive down to the Awaken Discipleship Training Center and spend the days doing outreaches to orphanages, convalescent homes, and visiting local church families. The cost will be around $330. Register online at A mandatory information meeting will be held on October 9, in Room 202 @6PM.
Each student must have a valid passport!
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 5PM, THE WELL PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER BANQUET: The Well Pregnancy Resource Center invites you to attend the Annual Celebration & Fundraiser, Grow in Grace, October 26th at the Dixie Center. Our church has sponsored 4 tables, if you would like to attend to learn more about this wonderful ministry, please stop by the Connection Center for tickets. We ask that the tickets be reserved for adults only.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, BAPTISMS: Baptisms will be held after 3rd Service. Sign up at the Connection Center & pick up a “Personal Testimony” sheet, fill it out & turn it back in.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 5-8PM, HARVEST FESTIVAL: We are accepting signups beginning today for car trunks and volunteers to help with the Harvest Festival. Please go to our Events page and select “Harvest Festival-Volunteers” to sign-up. We would love candy donations, there will be a bucket in the West Commons each Sunday for your donations. We would also love pumpkin donations. You can bring in a pumpkin, any color or shape (circumference 6-24 inches) on Sunday, October 20 & October 27. You can see a sample of what we are looking for at the Connection Center.