SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2025
TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 6-7:30PM, YOUTH UTAH FOOD BANK: All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us at the Utah food bank. Please have a ride to and from there!
THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 6PM, RECOVERY MINISTRY @ THE HARBOR: Our recovery ministry meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month to provide prayer and support to those who desire freedom from drug and alcohol dependency, and other self-centered behavior as well as to those who may be dealing with these issues in their family. The address is 1067 E. Tabernacle, Suite 13.
SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 8AM-12PM, CHURCH SPRING CLEANING: Join the church body as we work together to spruce up our building. We will finish with a BBQ. Sign-ups are at the Connection Center.
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, MISSIONS SUNDAY: Both our services will be mission-focused, and we will be introducing the new workers in the field we will be supporting.
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 6PM, WORSHIP NIGHT: Join our guest music artist, Dominic Balli, as he shares his music and gathers us together in worship.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 7PM, PRAY AROUND THE WORLD: We will hear about the ministry that took place in North Africa through the Swimmers, then we will pray for all our workers around the world.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 6PM, DAY OF PRAYER & FASTING: Set aside this day of fasting and praying for our church family, our city, state, and our nation. We want to invite you to end the fast with us in room 101 at 6pm in worship and prayer. We look forward to seeing you there.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 6-8PM & SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 9 AM-12 PM, MINISTRY 102: Ministry 102 is on the horizon! Following the fantastic turnout at Ministry 101, we're gearing up for another round of equipping in April. At CCSG, our mission is all about growing Servant Leaders, and Ministry 102 is designed to keep that growth going strong! Whether you're already involved or just considering joining, you're invited to be a part. Ministry 102 is the second part of our series! Sign up @ or on our app.
SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 10AM, MOM’S GROUP: If you are looking for a place to connect, be encouraged, and grow in community with moms and mentor moms, we have a seat just for you at our monthly fellowships! No need to register, just come. Light breakfast will be served. Childcare is provided.
FRI., APRIL 11-SAT. APRIL 12, YOUTH LOCK-IN @ CCSG: All youth grades 6-12 are invited to join us 9PM Friday to 7AM Saturday! Dinner and breakfast are provided. This event is FREE. Permission slips are required. Signup in the youth room. Chaperones needed!
EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES, APRIL 20: Sunrise service at Tuacahn will be at 8AM (no childcare), 2nd Service at 10:30AM with Nursery and Children’s Ministry through 5th Grade. Spanish Translation is also available. Volunteers are needed at both services, so sign up at the Connection Center today.