“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13 - 14 (NLT)
Our vision for CCSG Men’s Ministry is to:
· Gather men together to hear God’s Word and draw them closer to Jesus Christ.
· Provide opportunity for men to exhort and encourage one another through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
· Foster discipleship and accountability between men through relationship.
· Help men understand and submit to the roles that God has placed before them as husbands, fathers, grandfathers, employers, employees, teachers, etc.
· Gather men together to hear God’s Word and draw them closer to Jesus Christ.
· Provide opportunity for men to exhort and encourage one another through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
· Foster discipleship and accountability between men through relationship.
· Help men understand and submit to the roles that God has placed before them as husbands, fathers, grandfathers, employers, employees, teachers, etc.

Men's Bible Study
Join us in a time of fellowship as we join together for a Saturday morning breakfast, a time of worship, and a teaching from a fellow brother in Christ.

Men's Conference
Join us as we look through the word together and learn how to improve at our role as men of God.
We have a blessed time of worshiping our GOD, fellowship with our brothers in CHRIST, and dive into the living WORD.
This is an annuel event that takes place during the summer.
Men's Conference
Join us as we look through the word together and learn how to improve at our role as men of God.
We have a blessed time of worshiping our GOD, fellowship with our brothers in CHRIST, and dive into the living WORD.
This is an annuel event that takes place during the summer.