“And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation….”
Romans 15:20
In the above verse, the Apostle Paul tells us that his aim was to tell people about the good news of Jesus Christ, where no one had preached about Him before. As followers of the Bible, that is our aim also.

Calvary Chapel St. George is ministering to an African country located in the 10-40 window. Specifically we are called to the unreached Berber people. They are a people group comprised of approximately five million people that have been in existence for nearly four thousands years. They predate Mohamed and the Islamic faith by two thousand six hundred years, yet this group is now almost entirely Muslim.
The people group CCSG is ministering to, have never had a New Testament in their language. Anything they know about Jesus, the Bible, salvation, and forgiveness of sins, has been distorted and passed down through the Muslim religious leaders, the Imams. It is estimated that there is only one or two Christian workers per million followers of Mohamed. Truly, this is an unreached people group who are in desperate need of reconciliation to the Father through the Son.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6
“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ….”
Romans 5:1
Workers sent
*Due to the sensitive work being done we can not disclose specific Ministry events, Locations, or People Groups being ministered too.
Raising their whole family on the field, the Swimmer team minister to the native people of the land by creating one on one opportunities to minister to the people in private and spread the Gospel and build relationships with the native people.
The Fishers both being called to minister to the native people of North Africa before they were married and having the same heart for the same people came together in marriage and started their family in country. The Fishers also create a safe environment for people to ask questions and learn about the Gospel through close relationships built with individual
Miss P
After being a faithful supporter of the Swimmers and Fishers from the states, Miss P received her own calling to be a worker on the field with the other two teams.