Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Motivated by the model we see in the scriptures, we want to receive children of all ages and bless them in the name Jesus. Our ministry seeks both to come alongside parents raising their children up in the Lord, as well as serving the families that come to the church who have yet to come to faith in the Lord. To this end we teach the children the Bible, not just “from the Bible”, and we present salvation in Jesus to kids from 4 years old and up.

Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evening
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Kids Fellowship Nights
All kids ages 5-11 years old are welcome to join our kids fellowship nights. We start the night with praying together (kids and leaders) and then have a meal for the kids to eat and then wrap up the night with an activity/game related to a biblical lesson. Check our events calendar for the next date and sign up.