annual Operation Christmas child outreach

2023 RECAP
In 2023, more than 11.3 million shoebox gifts were collected globally, 10 million from the U.S. alone.
During drop-off week last November, our CCSG site collected 1,912 shoeboxes, with CCSG bringing in 313.
Most of these boxes were sent to Mexico and South America.

Thank you, CCSG, for partnering with OCC to bring gospel opportunities to children worldwide.

2024 GOAL
Operation Christmas Child hopes to collect enough shoeboxes in 2024 to reach another 12 million children.
Whether packing a shoebox or praying for the goal, your contribution is crucial in achieving this mission.

Drop-off week begins November 18th and ends November 25th.
To volunteer for OCC or would like more info please email Lisa Supp below.