the origin
Sharon Porterfield was called to the Karen people in April, 1985, while on a two week “Exposure Trip” to Thailand from Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside California. The Lord miraculously provided for her trip and she went in obedience to Him, but at the time had no thoughts of becoming a missionary! The Lord had other plans for her life though. He called her to minister to the Karen people. After confirming His calling in many ways, she returned to a Karen jungle village to teach English on December 19, 1985. She planned to be there six months, but is still serving in Thailand today.
After meeting Pastor Rick when he went to Thailand on a missions trip, Calvary Chapel St. George became Sharon’s home church.

The Ministry
Currently she lives in Thailand on a “retirement” visa, but works full time ministering to the Karen people along the Thai-Burma border, as well as those who have been resettled in the United States. Sharon serves the Karen tribal people who lived in Burma (Mynmar). Because of ethnic cleansing, they have had their homes and villages destroyed and have been forced to relocate into NATO run refugee camps located on the Burma/Thailand border while awaiting placement in forgeign countries like America. Many Karen prefer to risk living in the jungle than living in the refugee camps.
Sharon’s ministry includes sharing the Gospel, discipling Christians and acquiring and distributing relief supplies; including food, medicine, clothing, and agricultural materials to the Internally Displaced Person’s (IDP’s). Sharon has built a network of contacts in villages and refugee camps that includes pastors, teachers, and individuals who minister and encourage those in need. She is also active at the Pa La U Discipleship Center. Her ministry has evolved to a point where she is now an advocate for Karen refugees who have resettled in the United States. She works to build a network within the States to address their needs, and assist in their successful resettlement.
Sharon’s ministry includes sharing the Gospel, discipling Christians and acquiring and distributing relief supplies; including food, medicine, clothing, and agricultural materials to the Internally Displaced Person’s (IDP’s). Sharon has built a network of contacts in villages and refugee camps that includes pastors, teachers, and individuals who minister and encourage those in need. She is also active at the Pa La U Discipleship Center. Her ministry has evolved to a point where she is now an advocate for Karen refugees who have resettled in the United States. She works to build a network within the States to address their needs, and assist in their successful resettlement.